This was the craziest thing. But I felt it in my core….

One day I was listening to a recording of some “new-agey spiritual” workshop and the speaker asked, 

“What is your life’s purpose?”

Immediately, loud and clear, I heard and felt “Teach Love”.

My whole body tingled.  Those 2 simple words summed up the very essence of my work. It was and always has been my intention to inspire people to fall in love with themselves: to celebrate and own their magnificence.

My prayer every morning : “Allow me to be a channel for your love and healing energy.”

​Love really is the answer.

I absolutely know this.

All suffering and pain can be soothed and most often completely banished by Love.

When you live in the energy of Love life becomes magical and fun!

​Love is happy

Love is joyful

Love is playful

Love is kind

Love is compassionate

Love is peaceful

Love is thoughtful

Love sets boundaries

Love is respectful

Love is not:  anxious, depressed, angry, frustrated, addicted, jealous, judgmental, gossipy.

​The truth is we already know this because Love is the essence of our authentic selves.  We were all born as joyful, bubbly little psychic bundles of Love.  But, somewhere along the way most of us got a little sidetracked, and we disconnected from our authentic self.  

It is my quest to encourage people to travel back home to their authentic Selves wherein lies the exact and perfect blueprint for building for their most magnificent life: one that is a clear reflection of unconditional Love and respect!

​How I facilitate that:

​I encourage my  clients to…

  • set a very clear intention to live a life reflective of self Love and respect; one that feels good and is lots of fun.  

  • challenge them to be conscious of their every thought and action and evaluate it’s appropriateness for supporting their intention, their Highest Good.

Through this process, clients develop the critical thinking skills necessary to identify and change core belief systems and behaviors that no longer serve them.  By purposefully choosing self-affirming thoughts and actions their living style becomes one that is truly reflective of genuine self love and respect. They experience the power of living in the now and come to know that their true essence is Love.

Know this:

Every single moment of every single day each of us has control and choice regarding the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel, the decisions we make, and ultimately the experience of our lives.

So, I encourage you to relax into the present moment, feel all the possibilities, experience the magic and beauty of your spirit, and choose to give yourself permission to soar!!!

​Live in Love,


You are Light ! You Are Love! You are Magic!OWN IT!                                                         xo, louisa

You are Light ! You Are Love! You are Magic!


xo, louisa

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